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〃I e at the mand of my master; the Marquis of Wu; to persuade you to a wise course。 From of old it has always been recognized that the hero must bow to circumstances。 The region with its nine territories and forty…two counties that you ruled have e under another; with the exception of this single city。 Within; there is no food; without; no help; so that it must fall quickly。 Wherefore; O General; why not hear me and join your fortunes to those of Wu? You shall be restored to your governorship; and you will preserve your family。 If haply; Sir; you would reflect thereon。〃
Guan Yu replied; quite calmly; 〃I am a simple soldier from the village of Jieliang; yet my lord and I have bee brothers。 How can I betray him? If the city may fall; then I can but die。 Jade may be shattered; but its whiteness remains; bamboo may be burned; but its joints stand straight。 My body may be broken; but my name shall live true in history。 Say no more; but leave the city; I beg。 I will fight Sun Quan to the end。〃

'e' Jin was a state that occupied the western part of the empire; in the mountainous area north of the Yellow River。 During the Spring and Autumn period; under the leadership of Duke Wen and his successors; Jin grew into a very large state; which broke into three states in the Warring States period。 Qin was a western…most state existed in both Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods。 Because Jin blocked its way to the east; Qin was shielded from the wars in the central plain。 Wars between Qin and Jin were not few; but intermarriages between the two houses were frequent; and this alliance strengthened both states。 。。。。。
〃My master desires to enter into such a league with you as did Qin and Jin in former days*; that you may mutually assist to destroy Cao Cao and restore the Hans。 That is his idea; and why do you persist in this wrong course?〃
As Zhuge Jin finished this speech; Guan Ping; who was by; drew his sword to slay him。 But his father checked him。
〃Remember his brother is in Shu; helping your uncle。 If you hurt him; you will injure the principle of fraternity。〃
Guan Yu then bade his servants lead Zhuge Jin away。 Zhuge Jin went; his face covered with shame; and left the city。 When he reached his master; he told of Guan Yu's obduracy and rejection of all argument。
〃He is indeed a loyal servant!〃 said Sun Quan。 〃Still; what is to be done next?〃
〃Take some casts in the Book of Changes;〃 said Lu Fan。
So the lots were taken and explained to mean that the Marquis' enemies should flee to a distance。
Then Sun Quan asked Lu Meng; saying; 〃If he flies to a distance; how can he be captured?〃
〃The divination exactly fits in with my schemes;〃 replied Lu Meng。 〃Even if Guan Yu had wings to soar to the skies; he would not escape my net。〃

The dragon in a puddle is the sport of shrimps;
The phoenix in a cage is mocked of small birds。

The scheme of Lu Meng will be unfolded in the next chapter。
 Main Next to Chapter 77 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 77
 Chapter 77
Cao Cao Is Possessed At Luoyang;
Guan Yu Manifests At The Jade Spring Mount。
Sun Quan having asked Lu Meng for a plan; Lu Meng replied; 〃This Guan Yu has very few soldiers left; and he will not venture along the high road。 North of Maicheng is a risky path; and he will try to escape along that。 Therefore you must lay an ambush for him seven miles away from the city; but do not stop him。 Let him go by; and then harass his rear。 Thus he will be forced into Linju。 Set another small ambush near there; and you will capture your enemy。 For the present; attack the city vigorously on all sides but one; leaving the north gate for escape。〃
Before carrying out this plan; Sun Quan bade Lu Fan consult the auspices。
Lu Fan did so; announcing; 〃The enemy will flee toward the northwest; but will be caught that night before midnight。〃
So Zhu Ran was sent in mand of the first ambush; and Pan Zhang was the second。 The troops sent were all veterans。
When Guan Yu mustered his fighting men in the city of Maicheng; he had but three hundred。 The food was done。 That night many soldiers of Wu came to the city walls and called to their friends by name; and many of these slipped over the wall and deserted; reducing the small force still further。 No rescue force appeared; and Guan Yu was at the end of his resources。
Again he bewailed to Wang Fu; saying; 〃I regret that I have neglected your wise warning。 In this danger what is to be done?〃

'e' Lu Wang was a master strategist; founding minister of Zhou Dynasty; counselor to King Wen。 Before joining King Wen; Lu Wang had been a fisher; who mediated on the river bank on political events。 。。。。。
〃I think even if Lu Wang* could e to life again; he would be helpless in this case;〃 replied Wang Fu; weeping。
Said Zhao Lei; 〃Liu Feng and Meng Da have surely decided not to send help from Shangyong。 Let us abandon this miserable place; try to get to Yizhou; and recover the army。 We may then tempt our fortune once more。〃
〃I agree with you that that is the best plan;〃 said Guan Yu。
Then he ascended the walls and surveyed the country。 Noting that the weakest side was the north; he called in some of the inhabitants and inquired the nature of the country on that side。
They replied; 〃There are only paths there; but by them one may get into the West River Land。〃
〃We will go that way tonight;〃 said Guan Yu。
Wang Fu opposed it; saying; 〃General; you will surely fall into an ambush。 The main road will be safer。〃
〃There may be an ambush; but do I fear that?〃 said the old warrior。
Orders were given to be ready to march。
〃At least be very cautious;〃 said Wang Fu。 〃I will defend this city to the very last。 I only need a hundred troops。 Never will we surrender。 Only I hope; Most Noble General; that you will send me speedy help。〃
The two parted in tears。 Wang Fu and Zhou Cang remaining to guard Maicheng。 Guan Yu; Guan Ping; and Zhao Lei marched with their weak force out of the north gate。 Guan Yu; his green…dragon saber ready to hand; went first。 About the third watch; seven miles lay between them and the city。 There they saw a deep cleft in the hills wherefrom rolled the sound of beaten drums。 And men were shouting。 Soon appeared a large force with Zhu Ran at their head。
He came dashing forward; and summoned the small party; saying; 〃Guan Yu; do not run! Surrender and live!〃
But Guan Yu whipped his steed to a gallop and bore down on the leader with anger in his eyes。 Then Zhu Ran ran away。 Guan Yu followed him till there came the loud boom of a large drum; and out sprang troops from all sides。 Guan Yu dared not engage such a number; and fled in the direction of Linju。 Zhu Ran came up behind and attacked the flying soldiers; so that Guan Yu's following gradually became smaller and smaller。
Still he struggled on。 A few miles farther the drums rolled again; and torches lit up all round。 This was Pan Zhang's ambush; and he appeared flourishing his sword。 Guan Yu whirled his blade and went to meet him; but Pan Zhang ran away after a couple of bouts。 However; Guan Yu saw they were too many for him; and sought refuge among the mountains。
His son followed; and when he got within speaking distance; Guan Ping gave him the mournful tidings: 〃Zhao Lei has fallen in the melee!〃
Guan Yu was very sad; and bade his son try to protect the rear while he should force his way forward。
With about ten men he reached Zhuxi; a place with mountains on both sides。 At their foot was a thick mass of reeds and dried grass。 The trees grew very close。 It was then the fifth watch。 Presently the small party stumbled into another ambush; and the ambushing soldiers thrust forth hooks and threw ropes。 Entangled in these; Guan Yu's horse fell; and Guan Yu reeled out of the saddle。 In a moment Ma Zhong; the Marching General of Pan Zhang; made him a prisoner。 Guan Ping dashed to his rescue; but before he could do anything; he also was surrounded and held。 Father and son were both captives。
With great joy Sun Quan heard of the success of his plans。 In the morning; he assembled all his officers in his tent to await the arrival of the prisoners。 Before long; Ma Zhong came hustling his prisoner before his lord。
〃I have long had a friendly feeling for you;〃 said Sun 
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