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Then Mu Lu began to mutter his spells and to ring his bell。 As before; the wind got up and blew with violence; and the wild beasts came on。
But at a wave of the simple feather fan; lo! the wind turned and blew the other way。 Then from out of the host of Shu there burst the horrible wild beasts。 The real wild beasts of the Mang saw rushing down upon them huge creatures; whose mouths vomited flames and whose nostrils breathed out black smoke。 They came along with jingling bells; snapping and clawing; and the real beasts turned tail and fled in among the host of their own side; trampling them down as they sped。 Zhuge Liang gave the signal for a general onset; and his troops rushed forward with beating drums and blaring trumpets。 Mu Lu was killed in the melee。 Meng Huo's whole clan fled in panic and tore up among the hills out of the way。 And thus the Silver Pit Ravine was taken。
Next day; as Zhuge Liang was telling off parties to search for and capture the King; it was announced that the brother…in…law of Meng Huo; Chief Dai Lai; having vainly tried to persuade the King to yield; had made prisoners of him and his wife and all his clan and were bringing them to Zhuge Liang。
Hearing this; Zhang Ni and Ma Zheng were called and received certain orders; upon which they hid themselves in the wings of the tent with a large body of sturdy warriors。 This done; Zhuge Liang ordered the keepers to open the gates; and in came Chief Dai Lai with Meng Huo and his people in custody。
As Dai Lai bowed at the entrance of the hall; Zhuge Liang called out; 〃Let my strong captors appear!〃
At once out came the hidden men; and every two of them laid hands upon a prisoner and bound him。
〃Did you think your paltry ruse would deceive me?〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃Here you are a second time captured by your own people and brought before me that you might surrender。 The first time I did not hurt you。 But now I firmly believe this surrender is part of a plot to kill me。〃
Then he called out to his guards to search the prisoners。 They did so; and on every man they found a sharp knife。
〃Did you not say that if your family were taken prisoners you would yield? How now?〃 said Zhuge Liang。
〃We have e of our own will and at the risk of our lives。 The credit is not yours。 Still I refuse to yield;〃 replied Meng Huo。
〃This is the sixth time I have captured you; and yet you are obstinate。 What do you expect?〃
〃If you take me a seventh time; then I will turn to you and never rebel again。〃
〃Well; your stronghold is now destroyed。 What have I to fear?〃 said Zhuge Liang。
He ordered the bonds to be loosed; saying; 〃If you are caught again and lie to me once more; I shall certainly not be inclined to let you off。〃
Meng Huo and his people put their hands over their heads and ran off like rats。
The defeated Mangs who had fled were of thousands; and more than half of them were wounded。 They fell in with their King; who restored what order was possible and felt glad that he had still some leaders left。 Then he and the Chief Dai Lai took counsel together。
〃Whither can we go?〃 said Meng Huo。 〃Our stronghold is in the hands of the enemy。〃
Dai Lai replied; 〃There is but one country that can overe these troops。 That is the Wuguo Kingdom。 It lies two hundred miles to the southeast。 The King of that state is named Wutu Gu。 He is a giant of twelve spans。 He does not eat grain; but lives on serpents and venomous beasts。 He wears scaly armor; which is impenetrable to swords and arrows。 His warriors wear rattan armor。 This rattan grows in gullies; climbing over rocks and walls。 The inhabitants cut the rattans and steep them in oil for half a year。 Then they are dried in the sun。 When dry they are steeped again; and so on many times。 Then they are plaited into helmets and armor。 Clad in this; the men float across rivers; and it does not get wet。 No weapon can penetrate it。 The soldiers are called the Rattan Army。 You may seek aid from this king; and with his help you can take Zhuge Liang as easily as a sharp knife cleaves a bamboo。〃
Meng Huo went to the Wuguo Kingdom and saw the King。 The people of this country do not live in houses; but dwell in caves。 Meng Huo told the story of his woes。
And King Wutu Gu said; 〃I shall muster all my men to avenge you。〃
Meng Huo bowed low and expressed great gratitude。
Wutu Gu called up two generals named Xi Ni and Tu An and gave them thirty thousand of the rattan…armored soldiers and bade them march northeast。
They came to a river called the River of Peach Flowers; on both banks of which grow many peach trees。 Year after year the leaves of these trees fall into the river and render it poisonous to all but the natives。 But to the natives it is a stimulant which doubles their vigor。 They camped on the bank of this river to await the ing of the army of Shu。
Now Zhuge Liang was informed of the journey of Meng Huo and its results; and he knew when the rattan…clad army camped at the ford。 He also knew that Meng Huo had collected all the soldiers of his own that he could help。 Zhuge Liang at once marched to the ford。 He questioned the natives; and they told him that the peach leaves were falling and the water of the river was undrinkable。 So he retired two miles and camped。 Only Wei Yan was left to hold the bank of the River of Peach Flowers。
Next day Wutu Gu led the Wuguo warriors across the stream; and; with a rolling of drums; Wei Yan went out to meet them。 The Wuguo men poured forth。 The soldiers of Shu shot at them; but neither arrows nor bolts penetrated their armors; they rolled off harmless。 Nor could swords cut or spears enter。 The enemy; thus protected and armed with big swords and prongs; were too much for the troops of Shu; who had to run away。 However; they were not pursued。 When; on the retreat; they came to the Peach Flowers Ford; they saw the Mangs crossing as if walking on the water。 Some of them were tired; so they took off their rattan breastplates; sat upon them and floated to the other side。
When Zhuge Liang heard the report of his general; he summoned Lu Kai and called in some natives。
Lu Kai said; 〃I have heard of the Wuguo Kingdom as perfectly tribal among the Mang nations。 I have also heard of the rattan armor; which can withstand all thrusts; and the harmful River of Peach Flowers。 The Southern Mangs are so untameable that victory will mean little。 We would rather retreat。〃
〃No; no;〃 said Zhuge Liang merrily; 〃we have had too much difficulty in getting here to go back so easily。 I shall have a counter…plan for these people tomorrow。〃
Having provided for the defense of his camp; he gave strict orders to his generals not to go out to fight; Zhuge Liang went to reconnoiter。 He rode in his light chariot with a few natives as guides。 He came to the ford; and from a secluded spot in the mountains on the north bank; he looked about him。
The whole country was mountainous and difficult; impassable for any carriage。 So he got out and went afoot。 Presently; from a hill he saw a long winding valley; like a huge serpent。 The sides were very precipitous and bare。 However; a road ran through the middle。
〃What is the name of the valley?〃 asked Zhuge Liang。
〃It is called 'Coiled Serpent Valley';〃 said the guides。 〃At the other end you e into the high road to Three Rivers。 The road goes by a valley called 'Talang See'。〃
〃The very thing;〃 said Zhuge Liang gladly。 〃Surely this is providence。 I shall score a great success here。〃
Having seen enough; he retraced his steps; found his chariot; and returned to camp。 Arrived at the camp; Ma Dai was called and put in charge of the preparations。
Zhuge Liang gave him an order: 〃I will give you the ten black painted carts; and you are to get a thousand long bamboo poles。 Open the carts; and follow my instructions there。 Then you are to keep the two ends of the Coiled Serpent Valley。 Half a month is the deadline; and all of these must be performed with the most perfect secrecy under military law and punishment。〃
Next Zhao Yun was sent to a point on the Three Rivers road; Wei Yan to camp at the Peach Flowers Ford。
Zhuge Liang told Wei Yan; 〃If the Mangs e over the river; you are to abandon the camp and march toward a certain white flag you will see。 Further; in half a month you would have to acknow
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