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rases to confound the eternal principles of rectitude; and so preventing remonstrance from honest people。 One rule applies to the palace of the Emperor and the residence of a courtier; there must be one law rewarding the good and punishing the evil。 Evil…doers and law…breakers; as also true and good people; should be dealt with according to their deserts by the officers concerned in order to manifest Your Majesty's impartial and enlightened administration。 Partiality is wrong; as is one law for the court and another for the regions。
〃The High Ministers Fei Yi; Guo Youzhi; and Dong Yun are honest men; devotedly anxious to be loyal to the last degree; wherefore His Late Majesty chose them in his testament。 My advice is to consult them in all Palace matters; great or small; before taking action。 Your Majesty will reap the enormous advantage of having any failings corrected。
〃General Xiang Chong is a man of well…balanced temperament; versed in military matters; to whom; after testing him; the late Emperor applied the epithet 'capable'。 The consensus of opinion is that Xiang Chong should be Grand mander。 My advice is to consult him in all military matters; great or small; whereby your military forces will yield their maximum; each one being employed to the best advantage。
〃Attract worthy people; repel mean ones。 This policy achieved the glory of the Former Hans; while its reversal ruined the Latter Hans。 When the late Emperor was with us; he often discussed this with your servant; and he took much to heart the story of Emperors Huan and Ling。
〃The Chair of the Secretariat Chen Zhen; mander Zhang Si; and Minister Jiang Wan are both incorruptible and enlightened people; honest to the death。 I wish that Your Majesty should have them near and hold them in confidence。 If this be done; then the glory of the House of Han will be quickly consummated。
〃I was originally a private person; a farmer in Nanyang; concerned only to secure personal safety in a troubled age and not seeking conversation with the contending nobles。 His Late Majesty; the First Ruler; overlooking the monness of my origin; condescended to seek me thrice in my humble cot and consult me on the trend of events。 His magnanimity affected me deeply; and I consented to do my utmost for him。 Then came defeat; and I took office at a moment of darkest outlook and at a most difficult crisis。 This is twenty…one years ago。 The First Ruler recognized my diligent care; and when dying he confided the great task to me。 From that day I have lived a life of anxiety lest I should fail in my trust and so dim his glory。
〃That is why I undertook the expedition to the lands beyond the River Lu。 Now the Southern Mangs has been quelled; and our army is in good condition。 I ought to lead it against the north; where I may meet with a measure of success in the removal of the wicked ones; the restoration of Han; and a return to the old capital。 This is my duty out of gratitude to the late Emperor and loyalty to Your Majesty。 As to a discussion of the pros and cons and giving a true version of the whole matter; that belongs to Guo Youzhi and Fei Yi and Dong Yun。 I desire Your Majesty to confide to me the task of slaying the rebels and restoring the Hans。 If I fail; then punish me by telling the spirit of the late Emperor。 If you know not what restoration implies; that is the fault of your advisers。
〃Your Majesty should take pains to be guided into the right path and examine carefully what is laid before you; carefully remembering the late Emperor's testament。
〃I cannot express what would be my delight if you had the goodness to accept and act on my advice。
〃Now I am about to depart on a distant expedition; I write this with tears and clearly know what I have said。〃
The Emperor read it through and said; 〃My Father Minister; you have only just returned from a distant and fatiguing expedition against the Southern Mangs。 You are not yet refreshed; and I fear this march to the north will be almost too much even for you。〃
Zhuge Liang replied; 〃The heaviest responsibility lies upon me; the well…being of Your Majesty confided to me by the First Ruler。 My efforts may not be relaxed night or day。 The south is at rest; at home is no anxiety。 What better time could be hoped for to destroy the rebels and recover the Middle Land?〃
Forth from the ranks of courtiers stood Minister Qiao Zhou and said; 〃I have studied the aspect of the stars。 The northern quarter is brilliant and strong。 The scheme will not speed。〃
Then turning toward the Prime Minister; he continued; 〃You; O Prime Minister; understand the mysteries of the skies。 Why do you oppose the stars?〃
〃Because the stars are in infinite changes;〃 replied Zhuge Liang。 〃One may rely on the stars too much。 Moreover; I have already sent the army into Hanzhong; where I shall act as soon as I have studied what is afoot。〃
Qiao Zhou pleaded in vain。 Zhuge Liang was too strongly set upon his purpose to yield。 So Guo Youzhi; Dong Yun; and Fei Yi were ordered to attend to matters in the Palace; Xiang Chong was to control all military affairs and became Grand mander; Jiang Wan was made Military Adviser; Chen Zhen became Chair of the Secretariat; Zhang Si; Controller of the Prime Minister's palace; Du Qiong; Imperial Censor; Du Wei and Yang Hong; Ministers; Meng Guang and Lai Min; Libationers; Yin Mo and Li Zhuan; Academicians; Xi Zheng and Fei Shi; General Secretaries; Qiao Zhou; Chief Secretary; and others to the number of over a hundred; all to manage the administration of Shu in the absence of Zhuge Liang。
Having received his Emperor's mand to lead an expedition against the north; Zhuge Liang returned to his palace and summoned the officers of the army to listen to the orders。 And they came; and to each was appointed a duty in the great army:

Front Army mander………Wei Yan
Front Army Marching Generals………Zhang Yi; Wang Ping
Rear Army mander………Li Hui
Rear Army Marching General………Lu Yin
Left Army mander and Chief of the missariat………Ma Dai
Left Army Marching General………Zhang Ni
Right Army mander………Ma Zheng
Right Army Marching General………Deng Zhi
Center Army Director………Liu Yang
Center Army Marching Generals………Liao Hua; Hu Ji
Center Army Front Generals………Yuan Lin; Liu Ba; Xu Yun
Center Army Rear General………Hu Ban
Center Army Left Generals………Wu Yi; Ding Xian
Center Army Right Generals………Gao Xiang; Guan Yong; Liu Min
Center Army Center Generals………Du Qi; Sheng Bo; Fan Qi
Advisers………Ma Su; Yang Yi; Cuan Xi; Du Yi
Secretaries………Fan Jian; Dong Jue
Left Guard………Guan Xing
Right Guard………Zhang Bao
Inspector………Yan Yan

Li Yan was given the task of guarding the passes against Wu from the southeast。
Zhuge Liang was the mander…in…Chief of the Northern Expedition。
All being ready; a day was chosen for the start: The fifth year; the third month; on the day of 〃tiger〃。
After the appointments had all been made; there came forward a veteran who had listened in vain for the duty assigned him。

'e' Lian Po mander…in…chief of Zhao in the Warring States period; who made Zhao a powerful state。 Liu Xiangru; the Prime Minister of Zhao; was his good friend。 。。。。。
'e' Ma Yuan (BC 14…AD 49) a general who first served Wang Mang; then join Liu Xiu in restoring Han Dynasty。 In his life of career; Ma Yuan contributed much to Liu Xiu's success by putting down rebellions throughout the empire and abroad。 。。。。。
〃Old I may be;〃 said he; 〃yet have I still the valor of Lian Po* and the heroism of Ma Yuan*。 Why am I thought useless any more than these two who refused to acknowledge old age?〃
It was Zhao Yun。
Zhuge Liang said; 〃I have lost my friend Ma Chao by illness since I returned from the Southern Expedition; and I feel as I had lost an arm。 Now; General; you must own that the years are mounting up。 Any slight lapse would not only shake the life…long reputation of yourself; but might have a bad effect on the whole army。〃
Zhao Yun replied bitterly; 〃I have never quailed in the presence of the enemy from the day I first joined the First Ruler。 I have ever pressed to the front。 It is a happy ending for a person of valor to die on the frontier。 Think you that I should resent it? Let me lead the van; I pray。〃
Zhuge Liang used all his skill to dissuade the veteran; but in vain。
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