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〃The rat!〃 cried Sima Zhao; angrily。
〃Zhuge Dan is exceedingly popular there in the South of River Huai; and if he is left too long; he will do harm。〃
Sima Zhao began to take measures。 He wrote privately to Yue Chen; Imperial Protector of Yangzhou; and sent a messenger to Zhuge Dan with an edict making him Minister of Works。 This meant that Zhuge Dan had to e to the capital。
But Zhuge Dan knew that Jia Chong had done him mischief; and he interrogated the messenger; who told him that Yue Chen knew all about the matter。
〃How does he know?〃
〃General Sima Zhao sent him a private letter。〃
The messenger was condemned to death。 Then Zhuge Dan placed himself at the head of his personal guard and marched to Yangzhou。 The city gates were closed and the drawbridge raised。 He summoned the gate; but no one answered。
〃How dare this fellow Yue Chen treat me thus?〃 cried Zhuge Dan。
He ordered his troops to force the gate。 Ten of his bold generals dismounted; crossed the moat; and climbed the ramparts; where they slew all who opposed them and opened the gate。 The others entered; set fire to the houses; and began to fight their way toward the state residence。
The Imperial Protector sought refuge in a tower; but Zhuge Dan made his way up and reproached his enemy; crying; 〃Your father; Yue Jing; enjoyed the bounty of Wei。 Yet you have not sought to repay the kindness of the Ruling House; but you want to help the rebel Sima Zhao!〃
Before Yue Chen was able to answer; Zhuge Dan slew him。 Then he sent to Luoyang a memorial detailing Sima Yi's many faults; and made preparations for war。 He called up all the militia of the south and east of River Huai; to the total of one hundred thousand; and took over the forty thousand troops who had surrendered on the fall of Yue Chen and gathered supplies。 He also sent Adviser Wu Gang to Wu for aid; offering his son Zhuge Jing as a hostage for his good faith。
At this time Sun Jun had died and his brother; Sun Chen; was Prime Minister。 Sun Chen was a man of cruel and violent temper and had put many officers to death on his way to power………among them were Grand mander Teng Yin; General Lu Ju; and Minister Wang Chun。 The Ruler of Wu; Sun Liang; although intelligent; was helpless in his hands。
The messenger; Wu Gang; conducted Zhuge Jing to the residence of Sun Chen in Shidou; who asked what he had e for。
Wu Gang explained; 〃Zhuge Dan is a cousin of the Lord of Wuxiang in Shu。 Zhuge Dan had been in service of Wei; and seeing Sima Zhao depose the his prince and oppress good people; he wants to punish the tyrant。 But his force is not enough; and he asks for your help。 To show his sincerity; he sends his son Zhuge Jing as a token of good faith。〃
Wu Gang's request was received favorably; and Sun Chen sent seventy thousand troops with a full plement of officers………Quan Yi and Quan Duan as manders; Yu Quan as Rear Guard; Tang Zi and Zhu Yi as Leaders of the Van; Wen Qin as Military Guide。 They marched in three directions to attack Wei。
Wu Gang returned to Shouchun report success。 Zhuge Dan thought all was going well and prepared the army for a general attack。
In Luoyang; Zhuge Dan's memorial angered Sima Zhao; who wished to set out to revenge the attack at once; but Jia Chong preached caution。
〃My lord; you derived your power from your father and brother; and people have not had time to discover your own virtue。 If you leave the court and there be a revulsion of feeling against you; you will lose all。 Rather request the Empress Dowager and the Son of Heaven to go with you in the expedition; and nothing is to be feared;〃 said Jia Chong。
〃That is an excellent plan。〃
Sima Zhao went into the Palace and proposed it to Her Majesty; saying; 〃Zhuge Dan is in revolt; and my colleagues and I intend to punish him。 I beg that you will acpany the expedition as the late Emperor would have done。〃
The Empress was afraid; but dared not refuse; and the next day was requested to set out with the Ruler of Wei; Cao Mao。
Cao Mao said; 〃General; you mand all the armies and dispose them as you will。 Why do you ask me to go?〃
Sima Zhao replied; 〃Your Majesty is wrong to hesitate。 Your ancestors traveled over the empire and wished to unite the whole under one ruler。 Wherever there was a worthy opponent; they went to face him。 Your Majesty should follow their example and sweep the land clean。 Why fear?〃
Cao Mao; fearing his minister's terrible power; consented; and an edict was issued for the mands to mobilize two hundred sixty thousand troops of two capitals。 Wang Ji; General Who Corrects the South; was in mand of the van; and Chen Qian; General Who Pacifies the East; was second in mand of the van。 Shi Bao; Army Inspector; and Zhou Cai; Imperial Protector of Yangzhou; led the Imperial Escort。 The army moved into the South of River Huai like a great flood。
Zhu Yi; the Leader of the Van of Wu; encountered them; and both sides drew up for battle。 Zhu Yi rode out and took the challenge; but was overe by Wang Ji in the third bout and he fled。 Tang Zi also rode out; but was also beaten in the third encounter by Wang Ji。 Then Wang Ji ordered a full attack。 The troops of Wu were broken and retired fifteen miles and camped。 Thence they sent tidings of their ill…success to Shouchun。
Zhuge Dan in Shouchun led out his bold and strong soldiers to join forces with Wen Qin and his two sons; Wen Yang and Wen Hu。 Then they set out against Sima Zhao。

Now here is a check to the armies of Wu;
And Wei's gallant men advance。

The next chapter will tell how went victory。
 Main Next to Chapter 112 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 112
 Chapter 112
Rescuing Shouchun; Yu Quan Dies Nobly;
Attacking Changcheng; Jiang Wei Mobilizes。
Hearing of this threatened attack; Sima Zhao sought advice from two of his officers; High Counselor Pei Xiu and Palace Assistant Zhong Hui。
Zhong Hui said; 〃The Wu army is helping our enemies for the sake of profit; and hence we can seduce them with an offer of greater profit。〃
Sima Zhao agreed in this opinion and resolved accordingly。 As part of his plan; he sent Shi Bao and Zhou Cai to lay ambushes in different places near Shouchun。
As ordered by Sima Zhao; Wang Ji and Chen Qian manded an army of veterans on the rear; Cheng Zu led thirty thousand troops out to bring on a battle; while Chen Jun got together many wagons; herds of oxen; droves of horses; donkeys and mules; and heaps of military supplies; all of which he crowded together in the midst of the army。 This stuff was meant to be abandoned as soon as the fight began; so that the enemy might be tempted to plunder。
That day; Zhuge Dan led the center army; while Zhu Yi and Wen Qin manded the left and right armies。 The armies being drawn up; Zhuge Dan looked across at his opponents and saw that the center of the Wei army was taken up by a disorderly mass of transport。 Presently he led on his troops to attack; and Cheng Zu; as bidden to do; gave way and fled; leaving a large amount of spoil。 When the soldiers of Wu saw such huge quantities of booty; theirs for the taking; they lost all desire to fight and scattered to gather the spoil。
While thus occupied; suddenly a bomb exploded and; from left and right; down came Shi Bao and Zhou Cai and the army of Wei upon the spoilers。 Zhuge Dan attempted to draw off; but other forces under Wang Ji and Chen Qian appeared; and he was heavily smitten。 Then came on Sima Zhao with his army; and Zhuge Dan fled to Shouchun; where he entered and shut the gates。 The army of Wei set down to the siege of the city; and the army of Wu retired into camp at Anfeng。 The Ruler of Wei; Cao Mao; was lodging at this time in Xiangcheng。
Then said Zhong Hui; 〃Zhuge Dan has been worsted; but the city wherein he has taken refuge is well supplied; and his allies; the troops of Wu; are not distant。 His position is strong。 Our soldiers are besieging the city all round; which means that those within will hold out for a long time; or they will make a desperate sortie。 Their allies also may fall upon us at the same time; and it would go hard with us。 Therefore; I advise that the attack be made only on three sides; leaving the south gate open for them if they wish to flee。 If they flee; we can fall on the fugitives。 The troop
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