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Zhang Liao rode back once more with this request; and the order was given for the army to retire three miles。
〃Do not do this;〃 said Xun Yu。 〃I fear treachery。〃
〃He will certainly not break faith;〃 said Cao Cao。 〃He is too high principled。〃
The army retired; and Guan Yu with his force reentered the city of Xiapi; where he saw that the people were following their ordinary avocations in tranquillity。 He came to the palace and went in to see the two ladies; who hastened to meet him。
He bowed to them below the steps and said; 〃I apologize for having caused you to feel alarmed。〃
〃Where is the Uncle?〃 asked they。
〃I know not whither he has gone。〃
〃What do you intend to do; brother…in…law?〃
〃I went out of the city to try a last battle。 I was surrounded on a hill top; and Zhang Liao has urged me to yield。 I proposed three conditions; all of which were conceded; and the enemy drew off to allow me to return to the city。 Unless I have your decision; sisters…in…law; I scarcely dare to take any final step。〃
They asked what were the conditions and were told。
Lady Gan said; 〃When Cao Cao's army came in; we took it to mean certain death。 But it is scarcely credible that not a hair of our heads has been disturbed。 Not a soldier has dared enter our doors。 You have accepted the conditions; brother…in…law; and there is no need to ask our consent。 Our only fear is that he will not let you go by and by to search for the Uncle。〃
〃Sisters…in…law; you need not be anxious。 I will see to that。〃
〃You must decide everything and need not ask us。〃
Guan Yu withdrew and then; with a small escort; went to his interview with Cao Cao。 Cao Cao came to the outermost gate to wele him; and Guan Yu dismounted and made obeisance。 Cao Cao returned his salute with the greatest cordiality。
〃The leader of a defeated army is grateful for the graciousness that has preserved his life;〃 said Guan Yu。
〃I have so long admired your loyalty and high principles that this happy meeting gratifies the desire of my whole life;〃 replied Cao Cao。
〃As the Prime Minister has granted the three requests which my friend petitioned for on my behalf; there is now but little to discuss;〃 said Guan Yu。
〃As I have spoken; so be it。 I could not break faith;〃 replied Cao Cao。
〃Whenever I hear where Uncle Liu Bei is; I must certainly go to him; even if through fire and water。 It may be that there will be no time nor opportunity of saying farewell。 I trust you will understand the reason。〃
〃If Liu Bei should prove to be alive; you must certainly be allowed to go to him。 But I fear that in the confusion he may have lost his life。 You may set your mind at rest and let me make inquiries。〃
Guan Yu thanked him。 Then a banquet was prepared in Guan Yu's honor。 Next day the army started on its homeward march。
For the journey to the capital; a carriage was prepared for the two ladies; and Guan Yu was its guard。 On the road they rested at a certain post station; and Cao Cao; anxious to promise Guan Yu by beguiling him into forgetfulness of his duty; assigned Guan Yu to the same apartment as his sisters…in…law。 Guan Yu stood the whole night before the door with a lighted candle in his hand。 Not once did he yield to fatigue。 Cao Cao's respect for him could not but increase。
At the capital the Prime Minister assigned a dignified residence to Guan Yu; which he immediately divided into two enclosures; the inner one for the two ladies and the other for himself。 He placed a guard of eighteen of his veterans over the women's quarters。
Guan Yu was presented to Emperor Xian who conferred upon him the rank of General Who Serves the Hans。 Guan Yu expressed his thanks to the Emperor。 Next day Cao Cao made a great banquet; inviting all his advisers and officers; solely in honor of Guan Yu; who sat in the seat of honor。 Beside this Guan Yu received presents of silks and gold and silver vessels; all of which Guan Yu sent into the ladies' quarters for their use and keeping。 In fact from the day of arrival in the capital; Guan Yu was treated with marked respect and distinction; small banquets following each other in each three days; and large banquets held in each five days。
Cao Cao also presented him with ten most lovely serving girls。 Guan Yu sent these also within to wait upon his two sisters…in…law。
Every third day Guan Yu went to the door of the women's quarters to inquire after their welfare; and then they asked if any news of the wanderer had e。 This ceremony closed with the words: 〃Brother…in…law; you may retire when you wish。〃
Cao Cao heard of this extremely correct behavior and thought all the more of the man for it。
One day Cao Cao noticed that the robe Guan Yu was wearing was old and frayed。 Taking his measurements; Cao Cao had a new one made of fine brocade and presented it to him。 Guan Yu took it and put it on under the old robe; so that the latter covered it。
〃Why so very thrifty?〃 laughed Cao Cao。
〃It is not thrift;〃 was his reply。 〃The old robe was a gift from my brother; and I wear it because it reminds me of him。 I could not allow the new gift to eclipse his old one。〃
〃How very high principled!〃 said Cao Cao; sighing。
One day when Guan Yu was at home; there came a messenger to say that the two women had thrown themselves on the ground and were weeping。 They would not say why。
Guan Yu set his dress in order; went over; and knelt by the door; saying; 〃Why this grief; sisters…in…law?〃
Lady Gan replied; 〃In the night I dreamed that the Uncle had fallen into a pit。 I woke up and told Lady Mi; and we think he must be dead。 So we weep。〃
〃Dreams are not to be credited;〃 he replied。 〃You dreamed of him because you were thinking of him。 Pray do not grieve。〃
Just then Guan Yu was invited to another banquet; so he took leave of the ladies and went。 Seeing Guan Yu looked sad and tearful; his host asked the reason。
〃My sisters…in…law have been weeping for my brother; and I cannot help being sad in sympathy。〃
Cao Cao smiled and tried to cheer up his guest。 Cao Cao plied Guan Yu with wine so that Guan Yu became quite intoxicated and sat stroking his beard and saying; 〃What a useless thing am I! I could do no service for my country; and I have parted from my elder brother。〃
〃How many hairs in your beard?〃 suddenly asked his host。
〃Some hundreds; perhaps。 In the autumn a few fall out; but in the winter it is fullest。 Then I use a black silk bag to keep the hairs from being broken;〃 replied Guan Yu。
Cao Cao had a bag made for him to protect his beard。 Soon after when they were at court; the Emperor asked what was the bag he saw on Guan Yu's breast。
〃My beard is rather long; Your Majesty;〃 said Guan Yu。 〃So the Prime Minister gave me a bag to protect it。〃
The Emperor bade him take off the bag and show his beard in all its fullness and it fell in rippling waves below his breast。
〃Really a most beautiful beard!〃 said the Emperor。
This is why people call him: 〃The Man with the Beautiful Beard。〃
Another time; after a banquet; Cao Cao was seeing his guest start from the gate of his palace when he noticed that his charger was very thin。
〃Why is it so thin?〃 said Cao Cao。
〃My worthless body is rather heavy and really too much for it。 It is always out of condition。〃
Cao Cao at once told his attendants to bring out a certain steed; and before long it appeared。 It was red; like glowing charcoal; and a handsome creature in every way。
〃Do you recognize it?〃 asked Cao Cao。
〃Why; it is no other than Red Hare!〃 cried Guan Yu。
〃Yes; it is Red Hare;〃 said Cao Cao。
And he presented the horse; all fully caparisoned; to his guest。
Guan Yu bowed many times and thanked him again and again; till Cao Cao began to feel displeased and said; 〃I have given you many things; lovely handmaids and gold and silks and never won a bow of gratitude from you before。 This horse seems to please you better than all the rest。 Why do you think so poorly of the damsels and so much of the steed?〃
〃I know the horse: It can travel five hundred miles a day; and I am very lucky to get him。 Now as soon as I find out where my brother is; I can get to him in a single day;〃 said Guan Yu。
Cao Cao grumbled to himself and began to repent of his gift。

Fortune dealt a stunning blow; still he played his part;
Partitioning his dwelling 
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