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    needless to say; i took a lot of criticism; some of it deserved; some of it excessive; and; to be honest with you; it hurt like you would not believe。

    but im telling you all this for a reason。


    ive had a lot of sucomess。

    ive had a lot of failure。

    ive looked good。

    ive looked bad。

    ive been praised。

    and ive been criticized。

    but my mistakes have been necessary。


    ive dwelled on my failures today because; as graduates of harvard; your biggest liability is your need to sucomeed; your need to always find yourself on the sweet side of the bell curve。


    sucomess is a lot like a bright white tuxedo。


    you feel terrific when you get it; but then youre desperately afraid of getting it dirty; of spoiling it。

    i left the cocoon of harvard; i left the cocoon of saturday night live; i left the cocoon of the simpsons。


    and each time it was bruising and tumultuous。


    and yet every failure was freeing; and today im as nostalgic for the bad as i am for the good。


    so thats what i wish for all of you…the bad as well as the good。

    fall down。

    make a mess。

    break something ocomasionally。


    know that your mistakes are your own unique way of getting to where you need to be。


    and remember that the story is never over。并记住失败是永无休止的。

    if youll indulge me for just a second; id like to read a little something from just this year。


    〃somehow; conan obrien has transformed himself into the brightest star in the late_night firmament。


    his comedy is the gold standard; and conan himself is not only the quickest and most inventive wit of his generation; but quite possibly the greatest host ever。〃 ladies and gentlemen; class of 2000; i wrote that this morning。


    as proof that when all else fails; you always have delusion。

    i will go now to make bigger mistakes and to embarrass this fine institution even more。


    but let me leave you with one last thought。


    if you can laugh at yourself; loud and hard; every time you fall; people will think youre drunk。


    thank you。谢谢。

    from youve got laughs!



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